My face
White paint background

Full-Stack Software Developer

Who am I

I'm a Full-Stack Software Developer at Spellbook. I like learning new things and solving problems. I'm passionate about ancient books, rock music, cuban cigars and healthy tasty food. I live in St. John's, Canada with my Fiancee and our two cats.

I have a blog called Jester's Privilege


DateProject NameDescriptionTechnologies
Jan 2024dutch-blitz-jsMultiplayer dutch blitz in your browserReflect.netReactTypescript
Feb 2023MaryCodeAutomatically do your Mary Browns TellMaryVercelTypescript
July 2022dagster-pydanticPydantic Runtime Type Validation between Dagster OpsPythonDagsterPypi
April 2022SFN VisVisualize Step Functions running LocallyRustTypescriptDocker
Jan 2022Faber.ggCreate 3D models in seconds using AIVercelTypescriptRunpod
June 2019Rust SlothRust Library and CLI for generating ASCII art from 3D ModelsRustOBJ
March 2019Colco-rsA 3D molecule viewer written with glow-rsCrates.ioRustWebGL